How do I get cash?

In Owasso

If you are in Owasso, visit one of our three convenient locations and enter the drive-thru where a teller can assist you. You can also withdraw money by using one of the ATMs at each of our locations. If you have an account with us, there are no fees when using your First Bank of Owasso Debit Card to withdraw money from our ATMs.

Outside of Owasso

If you are outside of Owasso, withdrawing cash is just as easy! If you have a First Bank of Owasso Debit Card, you can withdraw cash when making everyday purchases. When you pay for a purchase, the card reader will typically ask you if you would like cash back. Enter the dollar amount and your personal identification number (PIN). The cash back amount is added to the total cost your transaction.

For example, if you buy $7 worth of merchandise and ask for $40 cash back, you will pay a total of $47 with your debit card and receive $40 in cash along with your purchases.

If you have any questions about withdrawing cash, contact us and we’ll be glad to help!